But we had fun anyway as the gauchos cooked and served us endless cuts of roasted meat and sausage for lunch. One guide book suggested that "like a python, you should put away enough meat to last you several days, while keeping in mind Miss Piggy's advice to never eat more than you can lift!"
Then these same gauchos jumped on their wet horses and raced each other kicking up mud in hopes of spearing a silver ring tied by a ribbon over their head......
Laura was presented with a ring and a kiss from one handsome gaucho.
The next afternoon the weather held as we attended the futbol match between Argentina's national team and Canada -- the last "friendly" match before World Cup. We were enveloped in the pride of Argentina, all decked out in blue and white, thousands of fans cheering as Argentina scored 5 goals (Canada 0). We were more than happy to be among them and enjoyed the post-game fireworks.
On May 26, G, Stevie and Laura went to the opening of the 2010 opera season at Teatro Colon. Jon was not able to attend on account of the "coat and tie" requirement (some things were left behind in Panama). Their seats were in "Paridiso", the highest balcony, and left something to be desired for viewing and hearing La Boheme.
We also visited the MALBA Museum ( Museo Artes Latinamericanos de Buenos Aires), Argentine artist Xul Solar's museum, went to a tango show at La Ventana in San Telmo, discovered the gallery scene during the monthly Gallery Night walk in the Recoleta and Retiro neighborhoods.....AND SAID GOODBYE TO OUR FRIEND, LAURA.
Saturday night at 9:30 we went to our first "Puerto Cerrado", which is dining in a private home with a small group of people. There about 25 of these type of restaurants in Buenos Aires. They are open only on weekends. Reservations are required (in order to get the address of the chef's home). It gives the chef a chance to create interesting meals, usually with multiple courses.
We chose Casa Felix, at the recommendation of friends, Joe and Christine, whom we invited to join us. Chef Diego Felix and his wife, Sanra met us at the door and as we waited for the other guests to arrive, we enjoyed a special Bolivian inspired drink, chicha morada, made with purple corn into a type of sangria. Then we were seated at multiple tables in their living and dining rooms and then the courses began. Warm homemade bread with a mystery spread and a glass of champagne. Peanut soup with mint. A spinach salad on a bed of roasted wheat kernals, garnished with a chiffonade of dried peppers which had been slightly sweetened. Really yummy! Then came a palate cleanser of lemon verbena granite, followed by the main course, Patagonian sunfish with roasted vegetables on a bed of polenta. Dessert was a turnover with quince paste. Then we had a cup of sweetened herb tea, and left their home at 1 am. Their website is www.casafelix.com with beautiful photos taken by Sanra.
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